SRA helps the C-Suite and board members meet their responsibilities to shareholders, regulators, and other constituencies for the safe and sound operation of their banks With high level banking and regulatory experience and real time regulatory feedback, SRA’s partners and senior team can help the Board address almost any high level need.
FIs today operate in a complex world. Hundreds of banks, credit unions, lenders and financial service providers count on SRA to deliver the answers they need to move forward. SRA is 100% focused on the financial services industry. We can help you take the right action and become a sustainable, high-performing enterprise.
All successful financial institutions must design and build infrastructure and an organization to support the deliver of hyper- relevant commercial and retail lending experiences that customers expect in today’s digital world. Managers and boards can tap into SRA’s deep experience and to redesign outmoded processes and keep them ahead of the curve.
For any financial institutions, especially those planning or managing a financial or restructuring event, the best outcomes depend on continuous rigor in governance and processes. SRA Advisory helps you lead in your market, understand and manage complex regulations, and outsmart old processes to become a high-performing enterprise.
Financial Institutions today face complex regulations and often volatile environments. SRA helps management and boards protect and create value, lead, navigate and innovate to accelerate performance by managing regulatory and operational risks.
SRA has experienced, former senior bankers and regulators who can fill a position on a part time or full time basis. SRA has filled every role of the C Suite as well as loan officers, credit analysts and internal auditors. SRA clients can leverage the experience and knowledge of an experienced leader until a replacement is found, creating continuity and stability. The SRA team also helps boards and management train, coach and recruit talented people.
Together let us desire, conceive, and create the new structure of the future, which will embrace architecture and sculpture and painting in one unity and which will one day rise toward.